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Fugman Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


Fugman's Librarians

Name Email
Jeanne Wogan
Carrie Mueller


Library Hours

Day of the Week Time Range
Monday 7:35 AM – 3:15 PM
Tuesday 7:35 AM – 3:15 PM
Wednesday 7:35 AM – 1:45 PM
Thursday 7:35 AM – 3:15 PM
Friday 7:35 AM – 3:15 PM
Closed 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM for Lunch daily







Library Policies

A drawing of 2 people reading a book and smiling.


*The library is closed daily for our librarian’s lunch 30 min. lunch from 11:15-11:45 each day. The Library is open for STUDENTS ONLY.
SCHEDULE: All classes will be scheduled for ½ hour per week for checking out and returning library books. Please do not send groups of students to the library during a time when another class is scheduled. During any unscheduled class time, students may come to the library with a pass.  
PASSES: Students are required to have a Library Pass anytime they come to the library during school hours, other than with their class.  This includes recess and lunch.  Students must get a pass from the classroom before going out to recess or lunch if they plan to use the library during this time.  If a student comes without a pass, they will be sent back to class or outside during recess.  Each class will be given 5 passes to control the number of students in the library at one time.
CHECK-OUT: Students in grades 2-6 are allowed to check out 2 books at a time, for 2 weeks at a time.  Books may be renewed one time before the due date.  Grades K-1 may check out 1 book at a time for 1 week at a time.

Books may be returned before the due date and a new book checked out.  
LOST OR DAMAGED BOOKS:  If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the student will be responsible for paying for a replacement of equal quality. This includes books that have been left in the rain, eaten by pets or siblings, crushed or broken bindings in a desk, etc.

  • Students have 10 days to return a past-due book.


To pay for lost or damaged books online click here!


 LIBRARY COMPUTER USE: There are a limited number of computers in the library for student use. They are to be used for library-related purposes only.
Please call the library and check for availability before sending students.  Send only 4 students per class at a time.  Computer games are not allowed.  Scheduled classes have computer use priority.
A.R. QUIZZING: Students in grades 2-6 will be taking A.R. quizzes using classroom and library computers.  
COMPUTER LAB: The computer lab may be scheduled for classes but must have a teacher or adult present during use.
SPARTHENIAN READERS: For students earning this award, there is a special presentation and assembly at the end of the school year. Please refer to your matrix for requirements.



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